Potage Tortue Anglaise
Turtle consommé flavoured with sherry
Potage Princesse
Chicken consommé garnished with chicken quenelles and sautéed asparagus tips and chervil
Petits pâtés
Mixed small pastries filled with savoury mousses
Sterlets de la Dvina au Champagne
Whole small sturgeons, caught in the Dvina Bay of the White Sea, layered with truffle slices and baked in Champagne
Longe de Veau Moscovitte
Leg of veal dressed with a butter sauce flavoured with
ham, onions and Madeira.
Rables de Gélinottes en Bellevue
S-ce Camberlan
Cold dish of haxel-grouse that have first been boned and stuffed with foie-gras before being poached, dressed in a brown chaud-froid sauce, decorated with truffle slices and sealed in an aspic jelly; and served with Camberlan sauce
Punch Montmarency
Sorbet made from sour Montmorency cherries over which
Kirsch is poured prior to serving
Rôti: Poulardes du Mans et Doubles Salade
Roast capons (castrated roosters) from Les Mans in
western France served with salad
Petits pois à l’Anglaise
Baby peas tossed with butter and parsley
Pêches à la Coque
Whole unpeeled poached peaches
Glaces Parisienne
Mixed ice-cream and sorbets - including chocolate, pineapple, praline, strawberry and vanilla – shaped into life-like fruits and nuts.
Menu dated 9th August 1913
(27th July 1913 in the Julian calendar)
Dinner at the Peterhof Palace (Palais de Pétérhof), SaintPetersburg, hosted by His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
In 1913 the French General, Marshal Joseph Joffre, traveled to Saint Petersburg to meet with Tsar Nicholas II and the military elite of Russia as part of a diplomatic mission to strengthen the Triple Entente.
The Triple Entente was an alliance between Russia, France and Britain and designed as a military counterweight to the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy.
On his arrival in Russia, Marshall Joffre was afforded the greatest of welcomes and receptions including being able to partake in military maneuvers with the Russian Emperor himself.
The Tsar’s hospitality extended to this dinner held at the grand Peterhof Palace in honor of the visiting General and French delegation.
The dinner is rich in its offerings and starts with turtle soup followed by whole young sturgeons - encrusted with truffle slices and baked in Champagne - before servings of grouse, veal and roasted capons.
As was often the custom on matters of military significance, this was a male-only dinner with not even the Tsarina in attendance.
The menu itself is from the palace place-setting of Colonel Dumezil who was Aide-de-Camp to Marshal Joffre.

French newspapers celebrate Marshal Joffre's arrival in Saint Petersburg as a guest of Tsar Nicholas II in August 1913.
Original invitation from the Grand Marshal of the Court inviting Colonel Dumezil, who was Aide-de-Camp to Marshal Joffre, to the Peterhof Palace for dinner with Tsar Nicholas II.