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Tsars of Russia


Tsar Alexander III

23 May 1883

Midnight supper at the Kremlin for the Diplomatic Corp, Senators and Generals.


Tsar Alexander III

24 May 1883

Dinner at the Kremlin for foreign Princes,  Chiefs of Special Missions and Senators.


Tsar Alexander III

27 May 1883

Banquet at the Kremlin for the Sacred Coronation of Their Imperial Majesties.


Tsar Nicholas II

23 May 1896

Gala dinner at the Kremlin marking the  official proclamation of the Coronation.


Tsar Nicholas II

26 May 1896

Banquet at the Kremlin for the Sacred Coronation of Their Imperial Majesties.

The Tsesarevich's 16th birthday

Twelve years before his Coronation, Nicholas II celebrated his 16th birthday to great imperial fanfare.  The day marked the coming-of-age for the Tsesarevich and made him eligible to inherit the throne. His parents, Tsar Alexander III and Tsarina Maria Fyodorovna, hosted this gala dinner at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg. Stuffed salmon-trouts baked in red wine were garnished with sautéed roe, truffles and poached crayfish as a precursor to dainty pastries filled with lark’s breasts and platters of roast woodcocks, great snipe and prized ducklings from Rouen.

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The Tsesarevich

19 May 1884

Gala dinner at the Winter Palace for the Tsesarevich's 16th birthday.

Royal Menus - Yusupov Menu - Emir of Bhu

Princely House of Yusupov

26th January 1893

Grand banquets of Russia's Princely House of Yusupov.

Princely House of Yusupov

Before their name became synonymous with the murder of Rasputin, the Princely House of Yusupov was associated with some of the most decadent banquets of imperial Russia. The beautiful Princess Zinaida serves guests a soup garnished with the poached marrow from the spine of a sturgeon before platters of spit-roasted ortolans arrive smothered in creamed watercress.

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Imperial Chef, Pierre Cubat


"Cubat was a most interesting person, late 

head chef to the Czar, whose service he had only  just left. When asked the reason, he said that the  supervision in the kitchen of the royal palace was so irksome and stringent — dozens of detectives watching his every gesture and pouncing on every pinch of salt — that the salary of £2,000 a year did not compensate him".


Lady Randolph Churchill

Formal Palace'  Dinners 

Menu cards from the Winter Palace, Peterhof, Gatchina and Alexander Palace

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Tsar Nicholas II takes afternoon-tea with his second daughter, Grand Duchess Tatiana

Confectionary at the Russian Imperial Court

In her memoirs Queen Marie of Romania remembered her childhood visits to the Imperial Court in St. Petersburg to stay with her grandparents, Tsar Alexander II and Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna of Russia.

"I was never a specially greedy child, but all the same certain tastes could induce the same rapture as scents, sounds or sights, and these tastes have also remained unforgettable.

There were, for instance, certain little sweets only to be had at the Russian Court. These were wee double round fondants made of fresh strawberries and served up in tiny paper baskets.


Their colour was as exquisite as their taste. The very moment when you lifted them off the dish on to your plate was one of enchantment, your mouth watered even before you tasted them. The “fore-pleasure,” as the Germans would express it, was almost as wonderful as the actual eating of the sweets. This was fairy food, and whenever I told a story to myself or to my sisters, my imaginary personages always ate these super-exquisite sweets.

... and when you finally reached your own rooms, there on the centre table stood two dishes, one with sweets, the other with biscuits. These biscuits and sweets were renewed each day. The sweets were varied and nowhere else in the wide world were they as good.


Long-shaped fruit-drops wrapped in white paper with little fringed edges of blue, red or yellow, according to the sweet inside. Flat cream caramels too luscious for words, these also wrapped in thick white paper, double fondants of coffee, and also those little paper baskets of fresh strawberry sweets already described as one of the “ecstasies.” 

Then other sweets were brought in big boxes, round slabs of fruit paste, a speciality of Moscow, and dried fruit and berries preserved in white flour-like sugar, a speciality from Kiev."

Queen Marie of Romania

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