Sweet pea soup
Frischling Rindezunge
Jellied and pickled Piglet tongue
Steinbutt mit Bearnersalse
Turbot dressed in a Bérnaise sauce
Madue-Maränen mit Caviarsalse
Filetes of Madue-Maränen (white-fish from western Pomerania in Poland) dressed with a caviar sauce
Granate von Schnepfen
Braised Woodock
Gänseleber in Madeirasalse
Medallions of foie-Gras deglazed in a Madeira sauce
Roast Damspseisser (2 year-old male fallow deer)
Enten von Rouen
Ducks from Rouen (upper Normandy)
Cheese Straws
Eis. Nachtisch
Ice-creams and dessert
Menu dated 27th January 1890
Luncheon hosted by Her Imperial Majesty The Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany to celebrate the 31st birthday of her son, His Imperial and Royal Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia.
When Kaiser Wilhelm II celebrated his 31st birthday his mother, The Empress Frederick, hosted this celebratory luncheon that included jellied piglet tongue, braised woodcocks, and filets of Madue-Maränen – a fish unique to the Miedwie Lake in Poland - dressed in a sauce made from Russian caviar.
Empress Frederick was the daughter of Queen Victoria and took on her husband’s name, Frederick III, upon his death after just 99 days on the German throne.
A former palace Governess remembered that the “anniversary of His Majesty's birthday, which is kept with great zeal and earnestness from early morning until night... begins with congratulations at 9.30 for the household only. On tables arranged round one of the smaller salons are spread out the various gifts received from family and friends”.

The Times, January 1890